Governmental Institutions Agent participated in a staff headcount meeting

A consultative meeting that concerns the Civil servant staff specially the headcount issues took place in the Arts and Literature centre in Mogadishu. This meeting was the first of its kind whereby 20 more than agencies came together to discussthe technical issues that can be done in the government’s latest Labor Department regarding the staff headcount which is expected to begin soon.

This meeting was jointly organized by the office of the Prime Minister, the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs and the World Bank. The meeting was attended by the Director General of the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs Mr. Mohamed Adde Mukhtar, Chairman of the Civil Service Commission Mr. Hassan Abshiroow Mohamed, the Permanent Secretary in the Prime Minister’s Office and the chairman of meeting Mohamed Keynan and officials from the Government agencies.

The Director General of the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs who opened the meeting and thanked the participants. He satted that we prepare ourselves for the heavy tasks ahead as explained in details the system that is going to be applied of the Somali staff headcount exercise and also it’s the usefulness.

 The significance of this meeting was to exchange information and know the steps/procedures of the head counting exercise and the requirements that staff should fulfil. After some discussions, it was jointly agreed and understood on how the headcount will be conducted in the following days.

 Finally, the Permanent Secretary of the Prime Minister’s Office, Mohamed Keynan, who closed the meeting, reminded the participants of the key points of the headcount as:

  1. The headcount of the regular staff
  2. The headcount of the contracted staff
  3. The headcount of the temporary staff

He also encouraged that they would be honest in handling their responsibilities.

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