First meeting of the steering committee of the National Employment Strategy (NES) for Somalia.

First meeting of the steering committee Sunday 19th August 2018
the objectives are the following:
Introduction to employment policy making
Validation of the role of the steering committee

Open and welcome remark for the DG Mohamed Adde MOLSA for the line
Ministers and privet agency.


The Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs has extended a request to
the UN Joint Programmer on Youth Employment and the ILO for the design
of the a comprehensive National Employment Strategy (NES) for Somalia.
The NES will be guided by the Somalia National Development plan(NDP)
2017-2019. The UN Strategic Framework (2017-2020), based on the NDP,
provides further reference.

The “Somali owned and Somali led” NDP process has set many targets
aimed at promoting peace/state building, and has mainstreamed the
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) After a chaotic and violent
1991-2011 period, basic federal states structures have been
established in most of part of  Somalia. Progress made with the
implementation of the Peace and State Building Goals of the New Deal
Compact in 2013-2016 has been encouraging, but significant progress
still needs to be made. Promoting the sort of economic development
that allows to generate productive and decent jobs for Somalia is
among the first priories of the NDP. Internal displacement is still
widespread and associated with high levels of unemployment and poor
economic participation. Historically low levels  of female labour
market participation, high level of youth unemployment or
underemployment, broken educational trajectories, or the large
fraction of the workforce having suffered physical or psychological
trauma are major challenges to be addressed the nexus between few and
poor quality work opportunities, criminal activity and radicalization
is a major concern for the stability of a still fragile country.

Presentation of the YES project by Sukuma
Nicolas Serriere Presentation about Global employment trends
Henry Danso give overview of the employment intensive investment
programmer (EIIP) and the process of employment policy.
The line ministry was given Role of the NES steering Committee:
-Ensures strategy is aligned with National Development Plan.
-Ensures strategy makes good use of relevant governmental agencies in
providing inputs
-Assist with resolving strategic level issues and risks
-Provide advice and guidance on overall issue facing formulation of the NES
-Review and validation of final strategy document
Use influence and authority to assist the strategy in achieving its outcomes


corresponded by
Ubah Nur
Communication Adviser at Ministry of Labour and Social Affair(MOLSA), FGS.