The Minister for Labor and Social Affairs opened Social Protection Workshop for some Officials from Government Agencies

The workshop organized by the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs, the Ministry of Disaster Management and the Ministry of Planning of the Federal Government Somalia. This workshop which was about how to protect the community was held in Hotel Jazeera in Mogadishu and it was attended for 40 persons from the following governmental agencies: –
• Ministry of Health,
• Ministry of Agriculture,
• Ministry of Education,
• Ministry of Women and Human Rights Development,
• Ministry of Planning,
• Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources,
• Banadir Regional Administration and
• State Regional Governments
In the opening part of the workshop, the Director General of the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs, Mr. Mohamed Adde Mukhtar explained the importance of the workshop and also mentioned that this seminar is part of a series of workshops for the National Committee who will be guiding the drafting of the National Social Protection Policy.

The Director General said “I am grateful for your participation to this workshop of drafting National Policy for Social Protection which is a program aimed at benefiting the Somali community.
The Minister of Labor and Social Affairs Mr. Salah Ahmed Jama, who was officially opened the workshop, described the scope of the work of social protection and the consequences of success in the process of social protection,

“This is a workshop we intend to establish that government agencies serving the community and learn how to protect the Somali community,” he added “This program is not only for one ministry but a responsibility for the government in general” said Salah Ahmed Jama, Minister of Labor and Social Affairs.
The Minister also expressed his gratitude to the various participants and thanked the agencies like Word Food Program and UNICEF that supported the social protection program in Somalia.
Meanwhile, in the process of the one day workshop, the participants were given instruction and lessons by national and international experts regarding how to protect the society. These experts included the above mentioned Un agencies:
Fardowsa Abdullah Ahmed; The social protection advisor of Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs facilitated the role of the technical Committee for Social Protection.

On the other hand the Director General of the Ministry of Disaster Management Dahir Mohamed Noor spoke on the consultation of Social protection Policy.

WFP Community Service Chief Executive Officer Ruby Khan talked in general about the joint program of Social Protection and how it important for Somali community at large.

Daniale Trotter from Unicef has gone in detail on the Introduction to Social Protection and Safety Nets including some examples through the life-cycle approach and from other contexts .

At the end of the workshop finally the meeting was concluded by the Director General of the Ministry of Disaster Management; Dahir Mohamed Nor called as he insisted that the committee to show patience and perseverance on the assigned tasks as a member of drafting the National Commission on Social Protection and quoted

“When the community gets protection, they will be able to do everything that supports their life.”