Somalia Advances Towards Safe Migration with Successful National Consultation Workshop and TWG Meeting

Somalia Advances Towards Safe Migration with Successful National Consultation Workshop and TWG Meeting
The National Consultation Workshop on the Development of Labour Migration Policy and Action Plan for Somalia validated a situational analysis report and gathered insights for creating Somalia’s first comprehensive labour migration policy. This initiative aims to manage migration effectively and protect migrant workers’ rights amidst significant migration flows in the Horn of Africa. The workshop engaged various stakeholders in participatory discussions, developed key policy priorities, and fostered a collaborative approach to policy development.

28 June 2024

National Consultation Workshop on the Development of Labour Migration Policy and Action Plan for Somalia

(ILO News)-The National Consultation Workshop on the Development of Labour Migration Policy and Action Plan for the Federal Republic of Somalia and the 3rd Technical Working Group (TWG) meeting was successfully held in Mogadishu, Somalia, from 11-13 June 2024. These events, organised by the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (MoLSA) in collaboration with the International Labour Organization (ILO) Better Regional Migration Management (BRMM) programme, validated the situational analysis report and gathered critical insights for developing Somalia’s first comprehensive labour migration policy and action plan.

Somalia is a pivotal country in the Horn of Africa, characterised by significant migration flows due to conflict, insecurity, natural disasters, and economic challenges. With over 1.2 million new internally displaced persons reported in 2023 and substantial Somali diaspora communities worldwide, there is an urgent need to manage migration effectively. The Somali government has made strides in promoting regular labour migration by ratifying key international conventions and revising the Labour Code. However, the absence of a dedicated labour migration policy has necessitated this consultative process to ensure the protection and promotion of rights of migrant workers. Accordingly, the National Consultation Workshop validated the situational analysis findings, engaged stakeholders in participatory discussions, developed key policy priorities and fostered a collaborative approach to policy development. Participants included representatives from various ministries, social partners, migrant workers, academia and the banking sector.

The workshop was officially opened by H.E. Mr. Yusuf Mohamed Adan, State Minister of the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (MoLS), and opening remarks were delivered by representatives from the International Labour Organization (ILO), the Federation of Somali Trade Unions (FESTU) and the Somali Chamber of Commerce and Industry (SCCI). In his opening remark, H.E. Mr. Yusuf Mohamed Adnan reaffirmed the importance of collaborative efforts to move forward the agenda of labour migration in Somalia. He further appreciated the collaboration with ILO and social partners in developing this policy as it is instrumental, especially in the government’s endeavour to implement the decent work country programme.

“This policy supports the government in equipping the young Somali with required skills and create employment opportunities within or outside the country”

The two day’s workshops improved participants knowledge of the ILO Practical Guide on developing labour migration policies and were able to appreciate the overall process of developing a policy. At the end of the two days’ workshop, the situational analysis developed was validated and participants defined priority areas/pillars, value, mission, goal and implementation arrangements of the labour migration policy for Somalia. Furthermore, cross cutting themes, M&E, communication strategy and financing opportunities were further agreed upon. The feedback collected will enable the development of a comprehensive labour migration policy and action plan, aimed at promoting safe, orderly, and regular labour migration while protecting the rights of migrant workers.

The TWG meeting on 13 June 2024 included key presentations and updates on the progress of the BRMM programme and other migration-related initiatives in Somalia. Government institutions, FESTU, and SCCI provided updates, followed by a Q&A session. The National Consultation Workshop and the 3rd TWG meeting marked significant milestones in Somalia’s efforts to develop a comprehensive labour migration policy and action plan. The active participation and collaboration of various stakeholders ensured a robust and inclusive process. The outcomes of these events lay a strong foundation for protecting the rights of migrant workers and promoting safe, orderly, and regular labour migration in Somalia. The Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, in partnership with the ILO and other stakeholders, will continue to drive this critical initiative forward, ensuring its alignment with international labour standards and best practices.